This week a Mumbai style plot for a terrorist attack in The Hague, Netherlands was uncovered. Read the latest on Al Qaeda activities in Pakistan, using Somali students for their heinous work. Report on Radio Netherlands World Service. Two Somali suspects have been apprehended, while two others are at large -
The Friday Times: "Al Qaeda in Somalia recruits some Somali students in Pakistan", by Ali K Chishti Follow him on Twitter @akchishti and @HaraldDoornbos for reports from Pakistan
Groups linked to Al Qaeda in Somalia are using the international terror network to recruit Somali students in Pakistan and train them to carry out terrorist attacks in Europe, security analysts fear. Al Qaeda chief, Dr Ayman Al Zawahiri announced the merger of Somali terrorist group Al Shabab with his organization on February 10 this year, to create Al Qaeda in East Africa, or AQEA. They plan to move from their conventional base in the Afghanistan and Pakistan region to more vulnerable African countries," said Carl Adams, a counterterrorism expert based in Dubai. (...)
In a recent plot, two Somali students were recruited from Karachi - being seen as the new financial and recruitment hub of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan - to carry out suicide attacks in Europe. The two men were to be trained in weapons and explosives in a remote area of Balochistan, according to intelligence sources, by sectarian outfit Jandullah, originally formed by Jamaat-e-Islami activist Atiqur Rehman on the instruction of Al Qaeda number three Khaled Sheikh Muhammad in Karachi in 2002. "They were to be sent to The Hague to carry out 26/11 type fidayeen attacks," the source said. (...) One of the two men intended to travel to Europe as Christians - one as David Azubuike, 21, with a Spanish passport, and the other as Jonathan Boipelo (no details) on stolen passports. (...) >>>
Sep. 1, 2012
Irredentism in India - who caused the Assam riots -
Rediff News: "New outfit UNMA triggered Assam violence?"
Newly formed United Muslim National Army suspected to have played a key role in the recent ethnic violence in Assam is likely to be linked to Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence. Vicky Nanjappa reports. While top officials in India [ Images ] blamed local issues for the violence in Assam, the focus has now shifted to the role played by a little known outfit called the United Muslim Nationalist Army in triggering the clashes. The UMNA has been accused of stirring up emotions and attacking the Bodos as a result of which the situation in the state went from bad to worse. (...) >>>
Aug 1, 2012
LeT now number 1 top terror dog -
Daily Beast: "Mumbai Terror Attack Group Lashkar e Tayyiba Now More Dangerous Than Al Qaeda"
The arrest of Sayeed Zabiuddin Ansari, alias Abu Jindal, at New Delhi airport late last month is a major breakthrough in the investigation of the deadliest terror attack in the world since 9/11. Abu Jindal was one of the masterminds of the November 2008 attack on the city of Mumbai in which 166 people were killed, including six Americans. He is already confessing to his role and implicating Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) directorate directly in controlling the attack as it went down. (...) >>>
July 1, 2012
10 part course "Muslim Brotherhood in America"
With the Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mursi assuming the Egyptian Presidency it's a good ttime to have a closer look. The international cosmopolitan elite has done its best in the last few years to polish the image of the Muslim Brothers. They have done so to the point of treason. Frank Gaffney has comprized a course in 10 parts (part 9 has just been published) -
The Course: "The Musloms Brotherhood in America"
June 25, 2012
The hindu experience -
Over eighty million Hindus have been slaughtered in Muslim wars against the non-believers.
"When British India was partitioned in 1947 Hindus and Sikhs constituted about twenty percent of the population in what is now Pakistan. Now it is barely one percent." Jihadwatch
"While India is constantly berated for having severe problems with an amorphous communalism, Pakistan is rarely brought to task over this same standard." "Cleansing Hindus From Pakistan," by Rabir Singh for Conservative Papers, February 12:
In his 1993 BBC television series Akbar S Ahmed, former ambassador from Pakistan to Britain and presently Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies at the American University in Washington DC, stated that Jinnah had created Pakistan so that India's Muslims could be "safe from Hindu reaction". But he has remained largely silent on the Hindus of Pakistan who have been the victims of Islamic 'reaction', aside from a few meaningless platitudes towards communal harmony. In this he is far from alone.
When British India was partitioned in 1947 Hindus and Sikhs constituted about twenty percent of the population in what is now Pakistan. Now it is barely one percent. This is a demographic catastrophe which has hardly warranted attention in the media, or from human rights groups and other NGOs. While India is constantly berated for having severe problems with an amorphous communalism, Pakistan is rarely brought to task over this same standard. In one way however Pakistan can be said to have resolved the communal issue; by simply having negligible numbers of minorities to strive for equal rights. (...) >>>Feb. 14, 2012
The world under sharia, what it would look like -
Tulisan Murtad: "Islam is Fascism"
Islam is a religion with a very political agenda. The ultimate goal of Islam is to rule the world. But what kind of government an Islamic state would have?
It certainly won’t be democratic. Islam is not compatible with democracy. Amir Taheri, an Iranian born author/journalist in a debate on Islam and democracy argued that in fact the word democracy does not exist in any of the languages spoken by Muslims. “To understand a civilization,” Taheri said, “it is important to understand its vocabulary. If it was not on their tongues it is likely that it was not on their minds either.”
Democracy implies equality. (...) >>>
Sept. 21, 2011
Shock! AQ supports the 'spring' -
JP: "Al-Qaida releases video supporting Arab Spring"
Al-Qaida has released a message in which Osama bin Laden's successor as the group's leader, Egyptian Ayman al-Zawahiri, said al-Qaida supported the Arab Spring. The hour-long video was released to mark the 10th anniversary of al-Qaida's Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.
The SITE Monitoring Service, which tracks jihadist statements, quoted al-Zawahiri as saying he hoped the protest movements that have overthrown leaders in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya would establish what he called true Islam. The video was posted on jihadist websites on Monday and titled "The Dawn of Imminent Victory", SITE said. (...) >>>
Sept. 13, 2011
The Islamo-socialist onslaught continues... under the cover of democracy and the lie of Jeffersonian revolutions -
At least 1,000 Christians were slaughtered this week in at the Salesian Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus mission in Duekoue, Ivory Coast by Muslim troops loyal to Alassane Ouattara. The state-run media has been slow to report the story. More below… (...) >>>
Apr 25, 2011
Thousands of victory mosques -
Clearinghouse: "History of Islam and how they build victory mosques", by Pamela Kafir Liner
![]() |
Basilica of Aya Sophia in Constantinople, now Istanbul Orthodox heritage now defaced with Islamic shields |
In 630, Muhammad led 10,000 Muslim soldiers into Mecca and turned the pagans' most prominent spot, the Ka'aba, into the Masjid al-Haram Mosque.
In 634, Rightly Guided Caliph Umar conquered Syria and turned the Christians' most prominent spot, the Church of Job, famous for being visited by Saint Silva in the fourth century, into the Mosque of Job. (...) >>>
Mar 9, 2011
The future of the collective -
NRO: "The OIC and the Caliphate", by Andrew McCarthy
The Organization of the Islamic Conference is the closest thing in the modern world to a caliphate. It is composed of 57 members (56 sovereign states and the Palestinian Authority), joining voices and political heft to pursue the unitary interests of the ummah, the world’s 1.4 billion Muslims. Not surprisingly, the OIC works cooperatively with the Muslim Brotherhood, the world’s most extensive and important Islamist organization, and one that sees itself as the vanguard of a vast, grass-roots movement — what the Brotherhood itself calls a “civilizational” movement.
Muslims are taught to think of themselves as a community, a single Muslim Nation. “I say let this land burn. I say let this land go up in smoke,” Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini famously said of his own country in 1980, even as he consolidated his power there, even as he made Iran the point of his revolutionary spear. “We do not worship Iran, we worship Allah.” Muslims were not interested in maintaining the Westphalian system of nation states. According to Khomeini, who was then regarded by East and West as Islam’s most consequential voice, any country, including his own, could be sacrificed in service of the doctrinal imperative that “Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of the world.”
Because of that doctrinal imperative, the caliphate retains its powerful allure for believers. Nevertheless, though Islamists are on the march, it has somehow become fashionable to denigrate the notion that the global Islamic caliphate endures as a mainstream Islamic goal. (...) “Individual Muslims,” Churchill wrote at the turn of the century, demonstrated many “splendid qualities.” That, however, did not mean Islam was splendid or that its principles were consonant with Western principles. To the contrary, Churchill opined, “No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” Boxed in by rigid sharia, Islam could only “paralyse the social development of those who follow it.” Reason had evolved the West, but Islam had revoked reason’s license in the tenth century, closing its “gates of ijtihad” — its short-lived tradition of introspection. Yet, sharia’s rigidity did not render Islam “moribund.” Churchill recognized the power of the caliphate, of the hegemonic vision. “Mohammedanism,” he concluded, remained “a militant and proselytising faith.” (...) >>>
Mar 1, 2011
Infiltrated by the Muslim Brothers -
American Thinker: "Are We Facing 'The West's Last Chance'?", by Janet Levy
(...) Pandering to Islam has reached epidemic proportions and threatens our very existence as a free society. This dangerous trend began immediately after 9/11 when President George W. Bush reached out to Muslims, repeating the hollow-sounding mantra that Islam is a religion of peace. This occurred despite prima facie and doctrinal evidence to the contrary. Given that Muslims following the revered Koranic path of jihad had perpetrated (and continue now) the vast majority of worldwide terrorist attacks, the president's message was incongruous with reality. (...) >>>
Feb. 24, 2011
The vision of the Muslim Brotherhood -
With the Egyptian protests and advancement of the Muslim Brotherhood looming the counter-jihad movement isn't sitting on its hands. A Jewish-Dutch author, Asher Ben Avraham recently posted a very good piece on his blog, related to a 1990 book written by the Brotherhood first man, Yusuf al-Qaradawi "Priorities of The Islamic Movement in The Coming Phase
The Blaze has posted on a project of the Palestinian Media Watch, who have translated a 1995 book written by Mustafa Mashhur, the reported leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt from 1996 until 2002. “Jihad is the Way” is the last of a five-volume work, “The Laws of Da’wa”. The book’s full text, translated by PMW, is posted on the organization’s website, -
The Blaze: “Muslim Brotherhood’s Goals Uncovered: Global Islamic Conquest and Caliphate”
(…) excerpts of a 1995 book written by the Muslim Brotherhood‘s fifth leader and translated by Palestinian Media Watch are lending a disturbing look at the group’s views and stated mission. “Jihad is the Way” is the last of a five-volume work, “The Laws of Da’wa,” written by Mustafa Mashhur, the reported leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt from 1996 until 2002. The Jerusalem Post reports that excerpts from the book detail the Brotherhood’s objectives, including the “global conquest of Islam” and “reestablishing the Islamic Caliphate, the “public and private duties of jihad” and the “struggles Muslims must wage against Israel.”. (...)
“The Islamic ummah,” it says, referring to the supranational community of Muslims, “can regain its power and be liberated and assume its rightful position which was intended by Allah, as the most exalted nation among men, as the leaders of humanity.” Elsewhere, it exhorts Muslims, “Know your status, and believe firmly that you are the masters of the world, even if your enemies desire your degradation.”
Marcus spoke to the Post about what he views as the danger of downplaying the Brotherhood’s ideology, or expecting it to moderate its objectives after being allowed into the political process. The movement differs from international terror groups like Al-Qaida, he said, only in tactics, not in its goals. Marcus cited passages in the text that urge Muslims to wage jihad only when circumstances are ripe. (...) >>>
Feb. 9, 2011
A decade later, a new man hunt is on for a previously unknown 9/11 terror suspect -
The Telegraph: "WikiLeaks: FBI hunts the 9/11 gang that got away"
The FBI has launched a manhunt for a previously unknown team of men suspected to be part of the 9/11 attacks, the Daily Telegraph can disclose. (...) >>>
Feb. 2, 2011
The Greek connection -
IAN: "Radical Islamic subversion in Greece", by Ioannis Michaletos
A well known hypothesis in the European and American security circles is that the region of Southeastern Europe, including the Eurozone country Greece, is on the verge of a full-scale radical Islamic subversion process which is being facilitated by myriad Islamic-originating groups aiming to gain a strong foothold in Europe.
A recent revelation by the infamous Wiki leaks US Dept of State telegrams, showed that already since 2009, the ex-Ambassador of US in Athens, Mr. Daniel Speckhard, has noted the danger of the creation of extremist Islamic cells in Greece and the use of the country as a traverse point of terrorists from the Middle East to other European countries. (...) >>>
Jan. 30, 2011
Ground Zero Mosque imam under the bus -
The Weekly Standard: Imam Rauf's Role in Ground Zero Mosque 'Reduced'"
The AP reports that one of the men behind the Ground Zero mosque, Feisal Abdul Rauf, will now have a "reduced" role in the project:
The organization planning to build an Islamic community center near the World Trade Center said the imam who has been the public face of the project, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, will be playing a reduced role in the facility.The nonprofit group Park51 announced Friday that it had named a new imam to help lead religious programing so that Rauf could focus on other initiatives. (...) >>>Jan. 14, 2011
The 2010 figures are in -
Jan. 3, 2011
Hey, Hussein, submit!
The PoliJam Times: "Somali insurgents: Obama must 'embrace Islam' or attacks on U.S. will come", by Mohamed Shiekh Nor (AP)
A leader of Somalia's Islamist insurgency threatened to attack America during a speech broadcast Monday. "We tell the American President Barack Obama to embrace Islam before we come to his country," said Fuad Mohamed "Shongole" Qalaf. Al-Shabab has not yet launched an attack outside Africa but Western intelligence has long been worried because the group targeted young Somali-Americans for recruitment. About 20 have traveled to Somalia for training and at least three were used as suicide bombers inside Somalia. (...) >>>
Dec. 27, 2010
The 'moderates' -
Tea and Politics: "Wikileaks: Poll Shows 40 Percent On U.K. University Campuses Want Islamic Law To Rule"
A cable summarized statistics showing a rise in the British Muslim population and increased radicalization there. The cable referenced a poll that showed 32 percent of Muslims on U.K. campuses believe killing in the name of religion is justified, while 40 percent want Muslims in the U.K. to be under Islamic law, or Shariah. >>>
Dec. 21, 2010
The civilian arm -
PJM: "Terrorists: Just the Tip of the Jihadi Iceberg - Al Qaeda's subversive base is full of noncombatants", by Brian Fairchild
Counter terrorism officials in the United States, and the West in general, have not yet understood that there is a political, non-combatant wing of the global Salafi-jihad movement. It acts as an international production line, routinely manufacturing thousands of Muslims with a Salafi religious orientation, a Salafi worldview, and the belief that they are part of an international movement designed to reform the world community of Muslims, bringing them back to what they consider “true” Islam, and bringing Islam back to global leadership.
While the majority of the members of this movement do not commit acts of violence, they totally support the combatant wing of the movement. They make their own contributions to its success by proselytizing, preaching, and fundraising; forming new front organizations; and creating centers of jihad support in schools, mosques, and Islamic centers. (...) >>>
Dec. 15, 2010
Ground Zero Mosque outrage is back -
More background information on the people behind the Cordoba project on Atlas Shrugs. Abigail Esman has the goods on Daisy Khan -
The Daily Beast: "Mosque Money Shocker"
The so-called Ground Zero mosque recently applied for a $5 million federal grant from a fund designed to rebuild lower Manhattan after 9/11, reports The Daily Beast’s John Avlon.
Developers of the controversial Park51 Islamic community center and mosque located two blocks from Ground Zero earlier this month applied for roughly $5 million in federal grant money set aside for the redevelopment of lower Manhattan after the attacks of September 11th, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the matter. (...) >>>
Nov. 22, 2010
Reporting the threat - following comes with a Hat Tip at Peter Siebelt
Center for Security Policy: "Shariah: The Threat to America"
This study is the result of months of analysis, discussion and drafting by a group of top security policy experts concerned with the preeminent totalitarian threat of our time: the legal-political-military doctrine known within Islam as "shariah." It is designed to provide a comprehensive and articulate "second opinion" on the official characterizations and assessments of this threat as put forth by the United States government. (...) >>>
Sept. 15, 2010
What's wrong with the Ground Zero Mosque imam? -
NRO: "The Two Faces of Feisal Rauf - What’s wrong with What’s Right With Islam", by Ibn Warraq
Part I - Part II
Sept. 14, 2010
Ground Zero Mosque funded by usual suspects -
Canada Free Press: "Report of Investigation Park 51", by Doug Hagmann
What do “global warming,” “global governance” and “sustainable development” have to do with the proposed “Ground Zero mosque?” One would think absolutely nothing; however investigation into the money, organizations and people behind the project has uncovered some revealing and disturbing connections. An extensive analysis of these findings provides the missing insight into the larger agenda, motives and modus operandi associated with what is now known as the Park51project. It also reveals the reasons behind the persistence of the insipid and insulting project and why it remains viable in the face of such visceral opposition. (...) >>>
Aug. 21, 2010
Cordoba's Shariah Index Project -
Big Peace: "Ground Zero Mosque’s Hidden Websites: Follow the Shariah", posted by Christine Brim
Do the math. The 15 floors planned for the Ground Zero Mosque just don’t add up. What’s the goal? Maybe the Imam’s goal is not simply to force a provocative “insensitivity” about 9-11 on the American public, with the help of America’s elites. Maybe the Imam’s long-term goal is to force Shariah law on the American public – of course, again, with the help of America’s elites. Why don’t the 15 floors add up? How many floors does Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf need for the mosque portion of this triumphal Islamic command center planned for the two building sites at 45-47 Park Place in New York City?
Think about it: maybe 2 floors for the mosque itself and related offices. A 3rd floor for the swimming pool, a 4th for the 500 seat auditorium, a 5th for the halal restaurant and halal culinary school, a 6th for the art studios, the childcare center and library, a 7th for the gym and basketball court. Add an 8th floor for miscellaneous storage and offices. And then add a 9th floor for the September 11 memorial, an after-thought that was recently added to the Imam’s plan, although that may in fact be more of a room off to one side than a whole floor.
That leaves six mystery floors empty – or dedicated to other activities. Six floors – that’s a lot of offices, a lot of employees, maybe more than half of the 150 full-time and 500 part-time jobs the Imam says he’ll bring to Lower Manhattan. What are Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s plans for those six mystery floors? (...) >>>
Aug 10, 2010
Political intricacies of the Ground Zero Mega Mosque -
Red State: "The Ground Zero Mosque and The Obama Administration - Your Taxpayer Dollars At Work", posted by Dan McLaughlin FEATURE
The debate over the “Ground Zero Mosque” presents two separate questions:
(1) Whether the mosque is wrong and should be stopped.

Tellingly, liberal defenders of the project have talked almost exclusively about the second point, and avoided the first.
While I joined wholeheartedly in the RedState editorial last week condemning the project and calling for a halt to it, I’ve been a bit agnostic on the second point myself. There are constitutional and statutory restrictions on what the government can or should do to interfere with the building of houses of worship, and those restrictions exist for good reasons, even when in a particular case the house of worship represents a deliberate provocation. Even without the government’s involvement, the mosque project itself is indefensible on its merits, and can and should be subject to public criticism and shame and any other lawful private sanction that can be brought to bear against outrageous conduct (a point Ed Morrissey makes here).
(...) as Investors Business Daily notes, the mosque is being given consideration by the New York City government that a Christian church would not (...) Sensibilities, you see, are a one-way street here; only Cordoba’s matter. That’s far more consistent with the political ideology of Islamism than it is with any effort to combat that ideology. (...)
Claudia Rossett’s Forbes article that first revealed the State Department connection also notes that Rauf’s wife will “make[] a similar State-sponsored outreach trip later this month to Abu Dhabi and Dubai”; although both claim that they will not be doing fundraising for the mosque while traveling on State-sponsored business, the sources of funding, especially foreign funding, for the mosque remain murky. (More here). None of that sounds very local - or purely private - to me. And the State Department has confirmed Rossett’s reporting (...) This absolutely makes the mosque issue one that needs to be addressed by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton. Rauf is galavanting about the globe on the taxpayer’s dime; the Administration can’t be neutral about his plans to aggravate tensions here at home. (...) >>>
Aug 15, 2010
Faisal Shahzad explains Islamism -
MEF: "Faisal Shahzad, Jihadi, Explains Terrorism", by Daniel Pipes
When Cedarbaum pointed out that pedestrians in Times Square during the early evening of May first were not attacking Muslims, Shahzad replied: "Well, the [American] people select the government. We consider them all the same." His comment reflects not just that American citizens are responsible for their democratically elected government but also the Islamist view that, by definition, infidels cannot be innocents. However abhorrent, this tirade does have the virtue of truthfulness. Shahzad's willingness to name his Islamic purposes and spend long years in jail for them flies in the face of Obama administration efforts not to name Islamism as the enemy, preferring such lame formulations as "overseas contingency operations" and "man-caused disasters."
Americans – as well as Westerners generally, all non-Muslims, and anti-Islamist Muslims – should listen to the bald declaration by Faisal Shahzad and accept the painful fact that Islamist anger and aspirations truly do motivate their terrorist enemies. Ignoring this fact will not make it disappear. (...) >>>
Jun 25, 2010
Outlining the tactics -
American Thinker: "Non-violent actions of the Third Jihad", by Dr. Sam Holliday
The current focus of the Obama administration on violence by Al-Qaeda and its affiliates has caused the true threat to be overlooked. In the future there will be both violent and non-violent actions by the Third Jihad against Western Civilization. The goal of the Third Jihad, as clearly countenanced by the Koran, is to replace all secular governments from Morocco to Indonesia with a single Great Caliphate that would then be able to achieve the submission of the rest of the world to Islam. (...) >>>
June 3, 2010
A book review -
These are the notes from two interviews with the Public Prosecutor and author of the book The Grand Jihad, Andrew McCarthy
Politeia Clearinghouse: ""The Grand Jihad", by Andrew McCarthy"
Many Westerners can't face the truth about the connection between Islamism and the Koran. Islam is not a moderate, but an extreme belief. Islam is not mainstream. It is not a religion as we understand it. It does not distinguish between spiritual and daily life, and that includes the law. Sharia law is making inroads. The Project is an incremental, but comprehensive campaign. (...) >>>
Jun 2, 2010
Exegesis for counter jihadis - FEATURE
Politically Incorrect: "The Principle of Abrogation in the Quran", an essay by Michael Mannheimer, Germany, March 23, 2010 / Translation: Anders Denken
The trick behind the apparent inconsistency of the Quran and why the radical Muslims are always correct: Like no other holy book among the world religions, the Quran contains an abundance of contradictory expressions. What is forbidden in one place is expressly demanded in another, and vice versa. However, the contradictory quality of the Quran is only an apparent one.
It falls apart abruptly when one recognizes the very carefully protected secret hidden within the architecture of the Quran. For the Quranic Suras (chapters) are not arranged chronologically, but rather according to their length – and the newer Suras (from Muhammad’s violent later phase when he was in Medina) override the older ones from his era in Mecca that were comparatively more peaceful. However, this secret is guarded by Islamic scholars very closely as if it were a holy grail – and is aired only on particular occasions. (...) >>>
Apr 23, 2010
The First Post: "Comedy Central censored South Park, say creators - Row as 201st edition of the cartoon bleeps out Mohammed references after ‘warnings’", by Jonothan Harwood
South Park's fearless creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone could be heading for a fall-out with the TV station Comedy Central as well as angry Muslims over the cartoon's depiction of the Prophet Mohammed. Last week the landmark 200th episode of the risque show drew criticism for featuring Mohammed and offending Muslims. But this week's edition, which continued the storyline involving Mohammed, was heavily censored - apparently by the station rather than the programme makers.
In the latest episode, shown on Wednesday night, Mohammed was replaced on screen by a black silhouette and the word 'censored' and all mentions of him were replaced by bleeps. At the end of every show one of the main characters, Kyle, delivers a speech explaining the moral of the episode, but his epilogue on Wednesday was entirely bleeped out. (...) >>>
Apr 22, 2010
Fourteen-hundred years is a very long time for “Islamophobic” stereotypes to persist - perhaps there's a good reason?
PJM: "Was Marco Polo an ‘Islamophobe’?", by Raymond Ibrahim
If the same exact criticisms being made against Islam today were also made centuries ago, is it reasonable to automatically dismiss them all as “Islamophobic” — that is, as “unfounded fear of and hostility towards Islam,” as the Council on American Islamic Relations would have it? (...) Yet, in a classic twist of irony, the opening assertion of the OIC’s first report — “Islamophobia has existed since the time of inception of Islam” — contradicts its entire argument, for it begs the following question: How can something, in this case “unfounded fear of and hostility towards Islam” — to use CAIR’s definition of Islamophobia — be a constant aspect of Islam’s fourteen-hundred year history, and yet still be regarded as “unfounded”? Surely fourteen-hundred years is an unusually long time for “unfounded” stereotypes to persist. >>>
April 16, 2010
Assigned reading
- Discover the Networks: "The Muslim Brotherhood's 'General Strategic Goal' for North America"
- Front Page Magazine: "The Muslim Brotherhood “Project”", by Patrick Poole
- Part II: Includes the entire English translation, dated: 11th May 2006
- Addendum: "The Origins of the Muslim Brotherhood “Project” ", updated: 24th July 2008
- "Why Arabs Lose Wars," by Norvell B. De Atkine
- "Al Qaeda's Fantasy Ideology," by Lee Harris (War without Clausewitz)
- "The Management of Savagery," by Abu Bakr Naji (translated by William McCant)
- Politeia: "Progress Report: Summary"
- What Do You Believe: "Muslim “Debating” Techniques"
- "The Naimisha Journal"
- "The Unholy Alliance"
- "In Defense of Liberty"
- "The Balkan Caliphate"
- "Stop Islamization of Europe"
- "Eurabia"
- "Islamization=Apartheid"
- "Apostating Islam"
- "Muslims versus Sharia"
To archive >>>
Great story.
Thanks for linking my post, Cassandra.
Worrying numbers, hein?
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