Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Sign the Petition in Support of Geert Wilders

The present is a free translation of website Support Wilders! It is a transcript of the text, including how the petition can be signed.

"Geert Wilders, who is forced to conduct his work as an MP under bizarre circumstances, has been under assault for a long time by most political parties, interest groups and most disturbingly, by public broadcasters.

Death threats are on the order of the day. An Al Qaeda franchise recently declared a fatwa, a religious call for his assassination - the assassination of Geert Wilders and the assassination of the freedom of expression.

The Dutch government is silent and bargains with the interests of the Dutch people, and Dutch standards and values. In initiating this petition and the associated Internet site we want to lodge a fierce protest against the demonization of Geert Wilders.

Show your support for Geert Wilders and sign this petition. Make friends and acquaintances also aware. Support Wilders!

- Click on top right "deze petitie tekenen" (sign this petition);
- "Naam" (name)
- "Geboortedatum" (date of birth): dd-mm-year
- "Postcode"(postal code)
- "Woonplaats" (place of residence)
- Click grey button bottom right: "handtekening plaatsen" (signature)

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